When it comes to relationships, did you ever think about the fact that people have different ways how to relate with themselves and others?

We can speak about three different relationship styles.

There is the “solid as a rock” character who, generally speaking, is very secure as an individual, generally speaking, a positive fellow who adapts easily to any occurring circumstances. They usually feel secure in themselves and the same with others. 

As a second character, you find the “Individualist”, who is usually taking care of themselves first. They tend to be self-sufficient. Being in a relationship they often don’t look for too much affection in a relationship and they know how to take care of themselves. They can confuse independence and autonomy.

As a third character, you can find the “Giver”, whose focus is to take care of others. They have a good level of empathy and are happy to be around people. Though, they tend to depend on others and how they make them feel. Their big fear is to be rejected. This character likes to talk about issues and happenings. 

When we get an understanding of how others tick, and which is their main relationship style, we can create more empathy for them which will lead to a better connection.


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